June 2015

Are you nervous? Are you shy? Well we've got just the thing for you - social event photography! Now you can blend into the foreground in a blaze of light shouting your lungs out at strangers and fighting with burley security staff. If you are loud enough you can get tossed out into the street and if you are lucky it will be a wet street. How good is that!This blog is brought to you by a strong cup of coffee and a note on my personal Facebook page from a friend. They are a shy and retiring sort. I have a great deal of sympathy with that as I used to be myself - until I discovered a press camera and the No.25 flashbulb.Press Graphics were wonderful machines - complex enough to command respect and sturdy enough to be used in a club. As a club. Paired with a big flash running on D batteries and a pocket full of N0.25's you could picture ANYthing. If you had an outlet for your images it was a passport into some...

Users of the Sony range of following Sony digital cameras can feel happy. They can now use one of the new Hahnel Captur range of remote flash triggers/camera triggers to get off-camera flash shots.Note that this new range of accessory releases now uses AA batteries for power - useful if you are already carrying spares for your flash gun.There are two specialised cables included to accommodate the Sony sockets.Cameras catered for:A300A77IIA58A7sA7IIHX400RX100IIRX100IIINote for mirror-less users...

Recently it came to my notice that sometimes people have difficulty with roll backdrops for studio use. Here's a few tips garnered from years of having difficulties. Don't worry - all the bad language has long been said, so this post is safe for work.The 2750 mm by 11,000 mm rolls of backdrop paper made by the Superior company are sort of he standard of the industry. Curious measurement...

Look out your diary, Canon shooters. Turn forward to the 17th of this month - it is a Wednesday.Abraham Joffe, Canon Australia, and Camera Electroinic are cooperating to present a day-long workshop dedicated to the Canon DSLR as a video making system. It will be held at the Cinema Paradiso on James Street in Northbridge. Starting time is 10:00 AM and it will finish at 4:30 PM.What's going to happen? Mr Joffe will be showing his work, Canon will be showing their equipment, There will be a group project of interviews and footage around the local area, and a review and analysis at the end of the day. And lunch in the middle of the day. Yay!Mr. Joffe knows his business - he has filmed all over Australia, in East Timor, Antarctica, and Africa. He is a brave man - he does videography for weddings and is highly sought-after for his skill - so much so that Canon have recently honoured him with a title of Canon Master.Further enquiries: Please call 1300 790 230or email [email protected] Stirling Street, Perth WA...

Looks like the Fujifilm company wants you to step up to real mirror-less value. They are starting an offer for up to $ 200 cash back on selected Fujifilm camera models starting on June the 1st.You'll be able to participate in this direct Fujifilm-to-you offer between June 1st and July 31st 2015 - it is an online offer that you access after you have purchased the equipment at our shop.Looks like there are four cameras on offer:Fujifilm X-T1 Graphite Silver nets you $ 200 cash back.Fujifilm X-T1 in black also gets $ 200 cash back.Fujifilm X-Pro1 is also $ 200 cash back.Fujifilm X-100t is also $ 100 cash back.These are proving to be terrifically popular with people who want to reduce the amount of weight that they are carrying but who still want to retain the top-quality performance of he Fujifilm X-Trans sensor. It really does make a difference to rendition of colour and detail.There is a large range of Fujinon lenses suitable for the X-T1 variants and the X-Pro1 so whtever your style of photography you can be assured...