
Big Bang Canon

In the rush to supply cameras that shoot images to a fabulously high ISO we often forget that there is such a thing as an on-camera flash. That is until we try the ISO trick in...
on March 30, 2021
Do A Good Deed*

Do A Good Deed*

And do it digitally. You all can. I attended a funeral last week of an old club-mate. In the manner of many modern ceremonies there was a slide-show presentation at one point and we got to...
on January 19, 2020
Lock Up Or Lock Down

Lock Up Or Lock Down

I'm not fussy - lock something, somewhere...anywhere...just lock. Take out your speed light - the portable flash you bought for your digital camera system. The one with the tilting head. Look at it. I've got two...
on November 14, 2019
Is The Flash Outdated?

Is The Flash Outdated?

I asked myself this question as I shot a few reportage pictures for the recent Boxing Special at the Photo Live 2018. There were plenty of photographers around the ring with plenty of cameras but few...
on October 22, 2018
In Retrospect, I Think I'd Look Forward...

In Retrospect, I Think I'd Look Forward...

As Benny Hill once said: " If I had it to do all over again, I'd do it all over you...". Translated into photographic terms, that means that if I was setting up a studio afresh...
on May 27, 2018
The Expensive End Of Town Has Good Lights

The Expensive End Of Town Has Good Lights

I love photo lights. From the simplest wind-up pocket flashlight to the most expensive studio power pack and heads, I think they are just great. Because I have a simple philosophy when it comes to images...
on April 02, 2018


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