Flash Bang Wallop! New Leica Vario News! Here! Now!

on June 12, 2013

Pardon the exuberance, and be grateful that Blogger only allows a moderate size of font - otherwise we would have a WAR DECLARED! banner above this post.

The New Leica X-Vario that we blogged about on Wednesday night at 9:00:15 ( to comply with the advertising embargo. Oh it is all intrigue in the camera game...) is HERE! NOW!

Brent the Storeman is prising it out of the packaging with a jemmy bar as I type and you can come in to the shop and give it a test shot today - provided there is a bit of German electricity in the battery.

Saul is beside himself. You can add whatever punchline you want to that one, but do come in and have a look at the new camera.

Uncle Dick
