
Do A Good Deed*

Do A Good Deed*

And do it digitally. You all can. I attended a funeral last week of an old club-mate. In the manner of many modern ceremonies there was a slide-show presentation at one point and we got to...
on January 19, 2020
Power-Crazed In Stirling Street

Power-Crazed In Stirling Street

When I started shooting events in the field in the 70's I fell upon the electronic flash with glee - it was so much better than the bulb flashes that I'd used prior to that. Of...
on July 21, 2019
The Handle On The Right Is A Pressing Issue

The Handle On The Right Is A Pressing Issue

Ever see a Speed Graphic or Crown Graphic press camera - or any of the other US or British cameras of the 40's and 50's? Note that every one of them seems to have two things...
on June 26, 2019
The Treasure Of The Inca

The Treasure Of The Inca

Calling all Conquistadores...your new bag is ready. The Inca brand has gotten some wry looks in the past - people have equated it with cheap goods and pooh-poohed it. But I have an Inca studio backdrop...
on December 19, 2018

Cocktail Hour Vs Happy Hour In The Camera Store

We are not going to suggest that the clients of Camera Electronic should come in to buy stuff in a sozzled condition - far from it. It has been done, mind, but it was not a...
on January 21, 2017

Hot Lights A Go Go

What is the appeal of the hot light? What? How can anybody love a lighting system that makes a studio hotter in January? That needs specially-ventilated light shapers to work. That makes the metal snoots so...
on May 31, 2016


At Camera Electronic we love photography – and we love writing about it. There is always new equipment coming into the shop and the industry leaders are always finding new ways that it can be used. Now you can freshen up your weekday with our weblog column and get some of that fun yourself.

