
Get Out A Map And A Pencil

Get Out A Map And A Pencil

Find your house and draw a circle round it at a distance of 20 kilometres. See what places in that circle you regularly go to. Shops? Work? Cinema? Pub? Library? School? Rellies? You'd be surprised how...
on January 24, 2023


Lustfully. In Murray Street... There used to be streets in Perth that catered for lust and apparently people wandered down them. At least that is what I have been told - and I can't be sure...
on September 03, 2022
The Best Of Many Worlds

The Best Of Many Worlds

We are always being beat around the head with " Best ". The idea of the top of the tree - only reached by climbing up through " Good " and " Better ". It was...
on August 02, 2022
I Used To Get Yelled At...

I Used To Get Yelled At...

For doing a lot of things: a. Sticking things in my ears. As a kid, body cavities are fascinating. They are there to be explored. We used to see if crayons would fit up our nose...
on July 31, 2022
Retro Is As Retro Does

Retro Is As Retro Does

You've heard me beating the retro drum here before in respect of camera design. I've been looking at the audio side of Wanderlust in Murray Street and I've still got the drumsticks... For those readers to...
on May 10, 2022
10 Kilowatt Steve McQueen

10 Kilowatt Steve McQueen

And the only thing that prevents Dom from jumping fences in the Bavarian countryside right now are the emigration laws. He's got the perfect ride for the job sitting right next door to the Murray Street...
on February 03, 2022


At Camera Electronic we love photography – and we love writing about it. There is always new equipment coming into the shop and the industry leaders are always finding new ways that it can be used. Now you can freshen up your weekday with our weblog column and get some of that fun yourself.

