The Sacrificial Charger

The Sacrificial Charger

I can remember a world without chargers. It also had nickel chocolate bars, Howdy Doody, and John Diefenbaker, so you can see how long ago it was. Since then we have, all of us, accumulated more...
on May 15, 2019

The Little Black Box In The Corner - Canon CS100

Canon users please draw nigh and give attention. We have a good thing for you.This blog post looked to be difficult for me - I do not use the Canon system cameras and I am somewhat...
on February 14, 2017

The Stack Of Pancakes From Lexar

On a high shelf at our new Murray Street shop is a row of Lexar boxes that fooled the heck out of me. But now that I have researched what they are, I am mightily impressed.Firstly,...
on November 07, 2016

Get A Grip Week - Day Four - The Box Of Boxes - Leica

A note for Leica collectors: The colour of the cardboard box in the heading image has been artificially boosted toward the yellow end of the spectrum. There is no need to rush out and add another...
on September 21, 2016

Sun Power Battery - Sirix

If you are a person who uses your tablet, mobile phone, or other modern communication device a lot, you will eventually run out of electricity and place to recharge it. Then you will either have to...
on January 08, 2015


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