Three Legged Thing

Soberly Dressed

Soberly Dressed

And of serious mien. The professional and dignified approach to photographic equipment. Conservative. Black. Dull. Ahem... Why? For years I read that black cameras were more professional than silver cameras. They were apparently all of the...
on August 28, 2022
You Can't Show...

You Can't Show...

Old advertising principle: you don't show a product you can't sell. Getting the crowd het up is the basis of a lot of advertising. Loosening wallets is a complex activity - there is an entire industry...
on July 12, 2020
Whirl Me Around Again, Willie...

Whirl Me Around Again, Willie...

Well, the Three Legged Thing people are back again with another little accessory. It is one of their brightly-coloured ones so you can use it with a cheerful mien. The 360 Cl assembly is a panoramic...
on September 30, 2019


I always wished I had an Auntie Zelda. She sounds like the sort of lady who would either make cinnamon rolls or get roaring drunk before noon. Both attractive prospects. How delightful, then, to see a...
on May 01, 2019
It's An

It's An " Elle " Of A Thing To Sell

You must forgive me for these titles. It's late at night and the ghosts of long-dead newspaper copywriters are drifting through the room. I suspect we're built on an abandoned newspaper morgue... But I will say...
on April 28, 2019
Bad Back

Bad Back

I've got a bad back this week. So do all the other members of the family - we fight each other for the Voltaren. And the worst part of it is none of the muscular aches...
on April 16, 2019


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