
To Filt Or Not To Filt - That Is The Question

To Filt Or Not To Filt - That Is The Question

Whether 'tis nobler on the lens to suffer the spots and rubs of outrageous contamination, or to take precautions and end them. To filt, perchance to ghost... We'll leave the Prince of Denmark rubbing at the...
on January 31, 2023
A Half-Case For The Half Case

A Half-Case For The Half Case

I need help here - I need to talk to someone who breaks their camera on a regular basis. Not that I want to do the same thing - indeed I do all in my power...
on October 03, 2021
The Bag Garage

The Bag Garage

We normally don't promote a manufacturer's range of products with a picture of someone else's goods in the same advertisement - it certainly wasn't done in the golden age of Madison Avenue. They might have hinted...
on March 03, 2020
Hard Shell Easy Sell

Hard Shell Easy Sell

The Camera Electronic Emporium Of Imagination has struck again. I gathered an armload of Lowepro camera cases off the racks this morning and started to think hard about them. Hard is the operative word, as these...
on December 11, 2019

" It's A Wrap. "

Finished already? That was a fast column this morning... Come back. We're selling wraps, not raps - Tenba 22 inch square messenger wraps to be specific. The secret weapon against airline baggage handlers. These wraps -...
on April 28, 2019
Careless Is As Careless Does

Careless Is As Careless Does

Daniel Ray, our tech, buttonholed me yesterday and asked me to pass a message on to the photographers of Western Australia. You know, that state on the left of the continent that is made up of...
on January 29, 2019


At Camera Electronic we love photography – and we love writing about it. There is always new equipment coming into the shop and the industry leaders are always finding new ways that it can be used. Now you can freshen up your weekday with our weblog column and get some of that fun yourself.

