
Head Scratchin' Time

Head Scratchin' Time

As I go around the various premises of Camera Electronic ( and that's a statement in itself...three shops!) I depend upon my scalp to help out. You see I am looking for things to write about....
on April 01, 2021
New Out of The DJI Cabinet

New Out of The DJI Cabinet

Where I so rarely go... Carlos responded instantly to my cry of " What's New? " by finding me a half dozen things. The first was the new DJI RS2 gimbal camera rig. I will never...
on February 25, 2021


Why should I advertise Nikon D6 cameras in this weblog column? I cannot possibly sell one of them to any of the readers. Is it all just a waste of electronic space? Well, my detractors would...
on August 11, 2020
Is Your Photography A Hobby?

Is Your Photography A Hobby?

Or is it a business? Or a pastime? That's an important question for you to ask yourself - fortunately, you can do it quietly and no-one need hear your answer. But if you can get it...
on December 25, 2019
The Car Barn

The Car Barn

I'm really doing the Royal Show people a disservice with that title. The Silver Pavilion and the Robinson Pavilion are far nicer than barns - even if they do sometimes have animals on display there. Or...
on June 19, 2017

New Camera Week - Olympus

One of the splendid perks of being a weblog writer is that you get the chance to try out new photographic equipment in your own time. It is altogether a different experience from that of reading...
on February 18, 2017


At Camera Electronic we love photography – and we love writing about it. There is always new equipment coming into the shop and the industry leaders are always finding new ways that it can be used. Now you can freshen up your weekday with our weblog column and get some of that fun yourself.

