
Whaddaya Got?

Whaddaya Got?

" Whaddaya got that's new or unusual or cheap or expensive that I can write about? " That's my standard question for Camera Electronic staff in the three shops when I arrive with my portable product...
on June 02, 2022
Essential Stay at Home Photography Tips

Essential Stay at Home Photography Tips

All over the world, lockdown has become the norm for many. The most challenging factor of experiencing this is that the freedoms we had prior have been minimised to the size of our own homes. When...
on October 10, 2021
A Stunning Shape From Sigma

A Stunning Shape From Sigma

I frequently pass by the Sigma racks in the storeroom but foolishly never stop to pluck something from the shelves. My fault, because I am missing some of the most intriguing lenses in the place. The...
on April 30, 2019
The New MagBox From MagMod

The New MagBox From MagMod

Finally, someone has done it. The MagMod people have released the solution for portrait shooters in the wild. They have given us a softbox that makes sense. Strobists and event shooters have been getting presents in...
on March 31, 2019


At Camera Electronic we love photography – and we love writing about it. There is always new equipment coming into the shop and the industry leaders are always finding new ways that it can be used. Now you can freshen up your weekday with our weblog column and get some of that fun yourself.

