lens hood


Some Do And Some Don't

Some will and some won't. Some did and some didn't.And you know, they all should have...Here's a selection of photographers at the York Medieval Fayre. Some were dressed in period clothes and some were dressed in...
on January 24, 2017

Shady Business In The Leica Cabinet...

Standing in the shop one day idly throwing gravel at the staff to while away the time, I found myself bemused while looking in the Leica cabinet.Of course everything in there was pristine - Leica insist...
on March 30, 2016

The Boxer Rebellion - Or 55 Days And No Peeking

Well, you wanted to know what the manufacturers were doing with the packaging...well so do we...It's not that bad. Nearly all the products that hit the shop are well-boxed. With the exception of some of the...
on September 22, 2015

Did You Get A Lens Hood With It?

You did? Good. Is it on the lens? Good.You did but it is still in the box? Well, have you noticed how some of your pictures are somewhat washed out? And there are light streaks every...
on August 25, 2015

Lens Hood Envy

I was a little taken aback when a client asked for a lens hood recently. It was a good idea, of course, as it would shield the lens from stray light and tree branches. But the...
on October 03, 2013


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