
27 Shots

27 Shots

That's odd - a strange number of exposures for a film camera... I remember the 20-shot 35mm film cassette from the old days. Also the 36-shot one - for when you had more money to spend...
on June 28, 2020


Don't keep hunting for the pickled herring - this is a post about inkjet printing papers. The title is because there are so many papers available - it can be like a photographic smorgasbord. To be...
on May 02, 2018

When To Use A Pro Lab - 350 Reasons

The new digital photographer can be forgiven for being confused by any number of aspects of the sport - there seem to be so many to learn.He or she used to be confronted only by which...
on June 05, 2016

Lustre, Semigloss, and Smooth Pearl - The Paper Cuts

Okay, I can tell the difference between these if I look hard...but if the various manufacturers come out with new surfaces like Semi-Lustre, Semi-Semi-gloss, and To A Certain Extent Smoothish Sort Of Pearl I am going...
on August 12, 2015

Geez, Louise....Where's My Wallet? Paper Sale!

Start the car! Start the car!Camera Electronic have boxes of Harman professional inkjet paper on special.The special is for 100-sheet boxes of Harman Crystaljet Luster RC and it is a lovely surface. Think sort of a...
on August 05, 2015


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