family photography

A Modest Product For A Modest Market

A Modest Product For A Modest Market

Picture taking can be pursued by many different people by many different means - but it is sometimes forgotten that it need not be done at 2000psi with lightning bolts shooting out of the equipment nor...
on March 10, 2019
The Financial Year Camera

The Financial Year Camera

With the new financial year rapidly approaching we are all staring down the barrel of the Law...the law that states that if the departmental budget is not spent by the end of June you get less...
on April 17, 2017

Gimmee One'A Dem - Part Five -The Hot Wash-Up

Okay, your friend has come with you into the shop - or perhaps it is the other way round. You may have the whole fam damily in there as well, and that can make for distraction...
on February 09, 2017

Gimmee One'a Dem - Part Four - The Nikon D3400 Kit

When we ask people to go out and use mirror-less camera systems on the basis of small size and weight we are sometimes forgetting that if you choose wisely, you can get both small size and...
on February 08, 2017

Gimmee One'a Dem - Part Three - The Pentax K-70

Your mate who is buying their first DSLR as a kit camera may have heard of the Pentax name some years ago in the film era. It was hard to find a camera club, school, or...
on February 07, 2017

Gimmee One'a Dem - Part One - The Maaaaaate in the Business

I like to think that the people who read this weblog column are astute professionals and keen amateurs. Enthusiasts in art and science - renaissance men and women who can turn their minds and hands to...
on February 05, 2017


At Camera Electronic we love photography – and we love writing about it. There is always new equipment coming into the shop and the industry leaders are always finding new ways that it can be used. Now you can freshen up your weekday with our weblog column and get some of that fun yourself.

