Colour management

It's Perfect...

It's Perfect...

Aside from the fact that it is 15% over-saturated, 30% too dark, and has noise everywhere. The sun is in the wrong position and the flare from the lens is excruciating. There is no fibonacci curve...
on July 09, 2020
New To Me Spyders

New To Me Spyders

I have used a Datacolor Spyder calibrator on my desktop and laptop computer screens since I got them - the advantage of working in Camera Electronic was the fact that the goods I needed were right...
on May 05, 2019
The 25 Inch Cocktail Bar

The 25 Inch Cocktail Bar

Or you might be rich enough to afford a bigger one - after all, the makers of professional monitor screens go all the way up to 27 or 31 inches. And the bigger ones make fancier...
on November 14, 2018
The Undercoat

The Undercoat

Painting anything is either fun or my retirement I am finding it more the former than the latter, but I'm painting model airplanes instead of the walls of a house. But one way or the...
on October 23, 2018
Are We Ready For A New Screen?

Are We Ready For A New Screen?

Are you sitting there like me while you are reading this*...looking at the screen of an all-in-one desktop computer? Or a laptop? Or an iPad? Or a mobile phone? Or a Dick Tracy Video Watch with...
on August 02, 2018

The Paper Shuffle - Part One - Lost In Space

If you are an old-school photographer like me you may occasionally be lost - lost on the back streets of a new suburb at dusk before they put up the street signs, or lost for words...
on January 15, 2017


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