
Are You A Fish Person?

Are You A Fish Person?

Yes? Aquaman would like to talk to you. No? Well you'll not be wanting your photos to look like they were seen by a fish, then. Particularly the wide-angle landscape ones taken in the desert. We've...
on September 01, 2020

" Do I Need A Tripod?"

Yes and No. If your aim is to produce rock-steady images with no extraneous influences - no blur and no mushed pixels...and if you make an exposure longer than the time it takes you to order...
on March 01, 2020
NiSi Again - Landscape Shooters To The Fore

NiSi Again - Landscape Shooters To The Fore

If your camera could use a 100mm set of filters for effective light control during landscape or seascape shooting, NiSi have packaged up a holder kit to make it easy - and they have looked ahead...
on January 09, 2020
Big, Wide, and Heavy - The Sumo Lens From Japan

Big, Wide, and Heavy - The Sumo Lens From Japan

If you are determined, we can't stop you. Indeed, the best thing that can be done is to reach into the Sigma cabinet and pull out the 14mm f:1.8 DG HSM Art lens and let you...
on June 09, 2019
The Sigma Difference

The Sigma Difference

People who read this column regularly are getting pretty used to the flights of fancy that sometimes occur. And they are more critical than you might think. So I don't think I will have any luck...
on January 30, 2018
Stein's Guide To Not Buying Junk - Part One

Stein's Guide To Not Buying Junk - Part One

I am in an excellent position to write on this subject as I have served a long apprenticeship in the trade of buying - and in many cases I have bought junk. Like most people who...
on January 16, 2018


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