April 2023

When I bought My Epson V-700 it came with 5 film holders to allow me to scan 35mm to 8 x 10 material. I still have all five. But you need to be careful using them - they are complex parts made of black plastic. The...

Followed by your second-best foot. And a hint: keep 'em moving. If you slow down the wolves get you. I have been engaged in learning a painful lesson these last few days. You can profit from it, and you needn't wince. Like a lot of film-era photographers,...

In my first profession gritting teeth was commonplace. We often ladeled a little sweet abrasive paste in there and let the customer heave left and right on it to flatten out any imperfections in our handiwork. The more conscientious of us used to tell them...

I can make Art. It says so in my camera menu. I have a half dozen settings on a top dial and many more inside the buttons that can change the pictures into Art. I'll bet you have too, particularly if you have an entry-level or...

Not the name of a new district in the bush - it's the thing you need to say to yourself when you approach a photographic occasion. The decision as to what it's going to be can come from many sources - from clients, if you're a...

Can you shoot images of wild animals in wild territory and not drive yourself wild with frustration? If you were one of the iconic travel and wildlife photographers of the analogue era you could confidently say that you would be able to capture the heart of...