February 2023

Sentimental longing for things in photography is no new thing. I suspect that people in the wet-plate era often looked back with affection to daguerreotypes. There was something about boiling mercury that just tugged at your heartstrings. Likewise now we can be nostalgic about film days...

Oh stop groaning. Be thankful that you saw the old Hitchcock movie called " Dail M For Murder ". With Grace Kelly and Ray Milland in it, it was worth seeing. Grace Kelly was always worth seeing. The N in this case is Nikkormat - one...

And there is nothing - save a dockyard crane - as heavy as an old professional digital camera. The Nikon D1X you see in the heading image is a relic of my first involvement with digital work. I'd just started serving in the Stirling Street shop...

Start the music, Miss Jane! Now everyone pass your portfolio to the person next to you. Stop the music, Miss Jane! And now we get to work. We all have a portfolio of work - amateur images, professional pictures, incomplete files, psd's that have caused us...

What was your weekly allowance? Did you get one at all? Did you have to do chores to qualify for it? Or was there a pot of money on the telephone table that you just dipped into whenever you fancied a treat? Mine was 50¢ initially...

A latin phrase expressing deep emotion. In my case it's because I have plenty of them but I'm afraid to let them out. And I'm not alone - the makers of cameras, lenses, and computer programs have plenty of words as well - dictionaries of them...