January 2023

Those of you who have travelled to Margaret River or the Barossa valley may recognise the purple liquid filling the glass in our heading image - that's right; nasty old sour grape juice. You'd hate it - if anyone gives you a bottle, best send...

No matter which way it faces. You'll do better to be first or last. This didn't used to be the case, and it certainly doesn't apply to the military. With them, firsts, lasts, and volunteers are often fondly remembered once a year...

Find your house and draw a circle round it at a distance of 20 kilometres. See what places in that circle you regularly go to. Shops? Work? Cinema? Pub? Library? School? Rellies? You'd be surprised how much is in your little circle. Pretty much my whole...

And I got cloooooose to it. It's the one that has just been brought out for my camera system this year and it is the most tempting item in Murray Street! The Fujinon 30mm f:2.8 is an XF lens - it fits Fujifilm APS-C cameras and...

You occasionally get fashion pronouncements that decry brown clothing. Or accessories, furniture, or shoes. Ignore these foolish complaints - sophisticated brown tones were the epitome of the Art Deco and streamline eras. They are still elegant. I have a camera bag made by Barbershop that is...

Calloo, Callay. I have had a frabjous day. I got to try one of the new Sigma lenses for Fujifilm. The FX mount has been the exclusive territory for Fujifilm for a long time - since the X-Pro 1 started the system. I have dutifully bought,...

That's even better than getting in on the ground floor - as long as the basement isn't flooded or over-run with rats. How did this thought arise? I spoke to a staff member yesterday at Stirling street when I asked what was now or good -...