November 2022

I have occasionally been accused of superficiality with the posts on this page. I'm proud of it - being super at anything is an achievement. Likewise in my photography - it may not be much, but it is something. If it was not for me, other...

There is nothing so comforting for a studio photographer as the sound of a furious gale lashing at the windows of the camera room. They sit there with a cup of tea and think about the sports photographer on the sidelines under a dripping tarp...

Fridays Studio, Wednesday Night, Hasselblad X-D2 on show. Beers and cheers and a new camera to try. The evening was a while coming the Hasselblad expert was delayed in the eastern states last time and we sat on tenterhooks waiting for this evening. The distributors, C.R....

We often her the phrase " deal-breaker " when someone reviews new equipment - it's intended to express discontent with something in the design. We should be fair - there is also the "deal-maker " feature as well. Manufacturers hope that every aspect of their new...

And Fujifilm fixed it. I have been using Fujifilm cameras for quite some while now in the field and studio. I've accommodated myself to the menu and set most of the controls on the cameras to fit my preferred way of working. You'll have done...

I asked a delicate question of the OM System representative at the start of a recent camera night; Should I mention the name Olympus in this post? He said " yes ". The new products from the factories will bear the name OM System, the lenses...

Camera Electronic had two touch-and-try sessions for the new Fujifilm X-T5 camera on one day - one at Murray Street and one at Stirling Street. I saw the Stirling show and was interested to learn of the composition of the audience for the one in...