October 2021

Note I didn't say " photogenic " avocados. The average Hass avocado is anything but beautiful. The tree is nice to look at, if a trifle straggly sometimes, but the fruit looks like a dark green version of Konrad Adenauer. But the end result of a good producing avocado is wonderful on toast. And if you have enjoyed the fruit you may be tempted to grow the seed into a new tree. Here is where it starts to intersect with the photo world; the advice you get about growing the blessed thing from different people. Camps of zealots contend over the best way of germinating the things and the best soils, fertilisers, watering regimes, etc. You could be forgiven for thinking it was a camera club meeting when someone asks about the best camera to buy...

I need help here - I need to talk to someone who breaks their camera on a regular basis. Not that I want to do the same thing - indeed I do all in my power to prevent damage to what is a delicate instrument. But I need to find someone who adopts a more adventurous attitude. Because I want to find out whether the half-case for a camera is a good thing. I may also need to talk to someone who travels extensively or who moves in more elegant circles than I. There may be clues to the half-case there. At present I'm stumped. And I'm in the fortunate corcumstance of being a half-case owner. I didn't get a no-name off FleaBay or out of the secondhand market, either. My half-case for the Fujifilm X-T2 came from Camera Electronic. I was fortunate in that there was a case available new long after the X-T2 was superseded  - it had hung round on the bargain shelves. A bit of money came my way and I bought it. Now I have to figure out...