May IN THE LOUPE - Item 3 - Nikon Z6 Now a webcam!

on May 12, 2020
Look at me - I'm on your screen talking to you now - and I look better than 95% of all the rest of the Zoom, Skype, and Facetime users that you've been talking to. My secret? Soft frontal lighting, a good mens and an aperture of f:2.8 to f:4. Everyone else at the Zoom conference is using the tinky little webcam that's built into the top of their screen or a leftover webcam that they found in a drawer. The inbuilt one might have a little better colour or dynamic range than the leftover lens ( Does that really say Fisher -Price on the bottom? Should it be red and blue? ) but both of them have tiny lenses and tiny apertures and you can see the entire contents of their houses behind the people as they speak. And at this stage of the lockdown, they ain't dusting... Good news. Nikon have made arrangements for their Z6 mirrorless camera to act as a webcam Superior. You'll finally have control of light and depth of field and can look like a professional actor as you Zoom. And you can do it with a simple cable - no a rack of black boxes. Here are your links to see what Jason Boland, Karen Alsop, and Julie Kimpton can tell you and show you about how easy it is to use the Z6 in this way. Now that we're video talking to everyone it behooves us as photographers to look good as we do it. We're not in the Mum's Basement Studio any more and using the new Nikon mirror-less camera to communicate is a smart visual and business move. Click away! Checkout the Z range here