
Calling Lloyd Bridges

Calling Lloyd Bridges

People of a certain age...mine...will understand the title. I was rounding out my trip to Camera Electronic and Wanderlust in Murray Street and the inevitable rush of desire to own new lenses and accessories with a...
on January 26, 2023

Sea Fever In Hay Street Mall

I must go down to the sea again To the lonely sea and the sky. And all I ask is a fancy drone And an app to steer her by. That distant thrashing sound is Coleridge...
on April 15, 2021
Switchblade 8

Switchblade 8

I feel I should be writing for the cast of " West Side Story ". Switchblades were always a forbidden topic when I was a kid and I'd bet they're not all that legal nowadays, either....
on October 15, 2020
Welcome To The Adventurers

Welcome To The Adventurers

I hope Fujifilm Australia will forgive me for pinching one of their internet images to accompany this post. I do not have a Fujifilm X-Pro2 camera to hand to illustrate it and my older X-Pro1 model...
on January 05, 2020


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