
Get your $ 95 Worth...

Get your $ 95 Worth...

What was your weekly allowance? Did you get one at all? Did you have to do chores to qualify for it? Or was there a pot of money on the telephone table that you just dipped...
on February 09, 2023
Bin Night

Bin Night

I used to do the bins at Camera Electronic every Thursday night before closing. Seven of 'em, and sometimes they were bursting with refuse. Retail trade generates a phenomenal amount of refuse - every delivery brings...
on June 16, 2022
Is It Store Or Shop?

Is It Store Or Shop?

Is Camera Electronic a store or a shop? Yes. Both. Two shops that store all sorts of photographic gear and shop staff that store all sorts of photographic knowledge. Even the writer of the shop weblog...
on April 05, 2022
Who's Your Family Archivist?

Who's Your Family Archivist?

Is archivist a fancy technical word? It is in a job description for a State Library position. You can probably get away with a simpler term for the person in your family who has control of...
on November 01, 2020

The Transparent Work Round - Part Three - A File With A Cake In It

The whole point of this week's exercise is to save those images on my colour slides. Unfortunately some of them are dead...and I'm afraid I killed them through ignorance.I kept them for years in the boxes...
on November 03, 2016

The Transparent Work Round - Part Two - We Slide On By...

Okay, you have your equipment assembled in a precise manner, as per our last posting...or in other words you have your lash-up lashed up. Now for the settings.Most good mirrorless and DSLR cameras let you set...
on November 02, 2016


At Camera Electronic we love photography – and we love writing about it. There is always new equipment coming into the shop and the industry leaders are always finding new ways that it can be used. Now you can freshen up your weekday with our weblog column and get some of that fun yourself.

