prime lens

The Triumph Of Retro Style

The Triumph Of Retro Style

There is no doubt that two camera makers in the current market have been most successful in embracing the concept of retro style - I should have said three, but if I used the term Lomo...
on June 23, 2019
Not Going To The Movies With Sigma

Not Going To The Movies With Sigma

I was taken with the size and weight of the box in the storeroom that contained the Sigma 40mm F;1.4 DG HSM lens. Was that weight real, or had someone put a brick in the box...
on June 12, 2019
The Train Just Keeps On Rolling

The Train Just Keeps On Rolling

Some years ago I opted for the Fujifilm mirror-less X system cameras and sold off my other equipment. In the move - on I gave up a lens that was absolutely magnificent - a Sigma 8-16mm...
on April 14, 2019
Champagne Eye

Champagne Eye

Well, you cannot fault the makers of cameras for being dull bodies - they let their design departments run with the colours and in the cameras we've seen this week we've had a different shade each...
on October 04, 2018
A Short Week - Part One - Laowa Starts Dreaming

A Short Week - Part One - Laowa Starts Dreaming

I do not normally succumb to poesy when it comes to advertisements for photographic gear - I'm too old and cynical for that. I still respond to bright colours and burlesque kick lines, however, so there...
on September 02, 2018
Next On The Glass Ladder - Step Two - XF 23mm F1.4R

Next On The Glass Ladder - Step Two - XF 23mm F1.4R

As photographers, we're never satisfied with small and neat when big and fancy comes along. This is not an admission of guilt - it is just a fact of life. A fact that the camera and...
on May 21, 2018


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