
Get your $ 95 Worth...

Get your $ 95 Worth...

What was your weekly allowance? Did you get one at all? Did you have to do chores to qualify for it? Or was there a pot of money on the telephone table that you just dipped...
on February 09, 2023
That's What Murphy Thinks

That's What Murphy Thinks

And Murphy should know. After all he writes an internationally-known internet site and it has advertisements on it and everything. I mean, if he was just trying to sell stuff, the government would arrest him...right? Pardon...
on December 24, 2020
You Give Us The Pictures And The Money...

You Give Us The Pictures And The Money...

And we do the rest. Even better than Kodak - you don't even have to press the button. Camera Electronic's shop in Murray Street is the home of the new Shoebox Service. Courtesy of some very...
on February 24, 2020
The Camera Makers That Keep On Giving

The Camera Makers That Keep On Giving

The bottom line in any sales consultation is the bottom line…* In this respect the new graphite Fujifilm X-Pro2 camera with the matching graphite 23mm f:2 lens have somewhat more of a bottom than the same...
on May 23, 2017

Search Parties Have Been Organised

And party hats and balloons have been ordered. There will be ice-cream cake.Finding things is dead easy. All you have to do is go where they are and...there they are. This is the principle of finding...
on September 15, 2015

Prices For Fujifilm - Right Now

I have no head for figures, as the stock controller and accountant here well know...but I do try. Recently I noticed some confusing figures regarding Fujifilm cameras on offer so I thought I would set out...
on July 15, 2015


At Camera Electronic we love photography – and we love writing about it. There is always new equipment coming into the shop and the industry leaders are always finding new ways that it can be used. Now you can freshen up your weekday with our weblog column and get some of that fun yourself.

