lithium ion

Ben Franklin Would Have Approved

Ben Franklin Would Have Approved

Benjamin Franklin had a saying that told us not to despise small gains nor ignore small expenses. He would have loved the Jupio brand of camera batteries. Lithium-ion batteries are the basic building blocks of digital...
on August 14, 2022
Exactly Whatta We Got Here? Godox AD 100 Pro

Exactly Whatta We Got Here? Godox AD 100 Pro

Okay. What's in the little case and why do I need it? What's in the little case is one of the neatest studio-themed flashes I've seen in a long time...and one designed to bring the studio...
on January 23, 2022

Big Bang Canon

In the rush to supply cameras that shoot images to a fabulously high ISO we often forget that there is such a thing as an on-camera flash. That is until we try the ISO trick in...
on March 30, 2021
Nikon D850 Week - Part One - Power Up

Nikon D850 Week - Part One - Power Up

There. That states it succinctly. A week devoted to one of the flagship cameras of one of the flagship photographic manufacturers. A full-frame DSLR that embodies most of what Nikon knows about the digital shooting. More...
on May 13, 2018
The Expensive End Of Town Has Good Lights

The Expensive End Of Town Has Good Lights

I love photo lights. From the simplest wind-up pocket flashlight to the most expensive studio power pack and heads, I think they are just great. Because I have a simple philosophy when it comes to images...
on April 02, 2018

" We Don't Talk About that Sort of Thing..."

And yet we should. Everyone who uses a digital camera should feel free to talk about the battery and charger. The new Nikon D7500 is in hand right now - you can come down tom the...
on June 13, 2017


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