
Sermon On The Mounts

Sermon On The Mounts

Stop twitching - this is a camera column. I'm not going there... Prior to getting my first Pentax Sv camera in 1965 I knew nothing of camera mounts. I'd served in a newspaper darkroom in '64...
on April 14, 2023
Watch Their Hands

Watch Their Hands

A Note Before Starting: The weblog column has been delayed a week due to unforeseen circumstances. The gypsy fortune teller said as much. The bits you missed will be added each week so that at the...
on January 08, 2023
What's Your Upper Limit To Lens Size?

What's Your Upper Limit To Lens Size?

A lot of people might think that the biggest lens they could ever get for their camera is the Sigma Super zoom - 200mm to 500mm f:2.8. That's the green zeppelin seen in the heading image....
on June 26, 2022
Pistols At Dawn

Pistols At Dawn

Some years ago, the pistol grip was a popular thing. You saw them on a lot of things; umbrellas, stick shifts, and .44 Army Colts amongst other things. They also appeared on photographic ball heads. The...
on December 30, 2021
In Which We Firmly Grasp The Principals

In Which We Firmly Grasp The Principals

That's not a typo. Principals was what I wrote. In this case we grasp the principals of the computer design teams for Macrohard and Rutabaga - the people who decide what your next Rutabaga or Macrohard...
on July 01, 2021
Aw, Now What...?

Aw, Now What...?

As a photo enthusiast who turns every dial and pushes every button on a camera - often inadvertently - I am keenly aware of the harm that I can do to my images. This becomes evident...
on May 18, 2021


At Camera Electronic we love photography – and we love writing about it. There is always new equipment coming into the shop and the industry leaders are always finding new ways that it can be used. Now you can freshen up your weekday with our weblog column and get some of that fun yourself.

