
" I Dunno What They Call It... "

" But it takes pictures. " How many times have you have someone come up to you while you were busy justifying $ 8000 of camera and lens and distract you by telling you about the...
on March 16, 2022
Do I Look Big Enough? Am I Small Enough? Do I Have The Right Amount Of Anxiety?

Do I Look Big Enough? Am I Small Enough? Do I Have The Right Amount Of Anxiety?

We all have worries about our size - even if we insist that we don't. The too-small want to be bigger and the too-big want to be smaller. The just-right are nervous in case they appear...
on August 11, 2019
The Mark III Olympus E- M10 - Easier Running Than Ever

The Mark III Olympus E- M10 - Easier Running Than Ever

You can do produce any size camera if you try. Whatever the designer draws, if a maker can enlist a crew of eight people and a recovery vehicle just over the horizon, they can send it...
on September 25, 2017

Gimmee One'a Dem - Part One - The Maaaaaate in the Business

I like to think that the people who read this weblog column are astute professionals and keen amateurs. Enthusiasts in art and science - renaissance men and women who can turn their minds and hands to...
on February 05, 2017


At Camera Electronic we love photography – and we love writing about it. There is always new equipment coming into the shop and the industry leaders are always finding new ways that it can be used. Now you can freshen up your weekday with our weblog column and get some of that fun yourself.

