colour temperature

Smarter Than Thomas Edison

Smarter Than Thomas Edison

Do smart devices make you nervous? Do you feel that they show up your shortcomings? Do you wonder if they are sitting there judging you? Welcome to the club. Ever since my first encounter with an...
on May 31, 2022
Truth In Packaging - Or Down The Rabbit Hole

Truth In Packaging - Or Down The Rabbit Hole

An aside: There is a chap in Canada - a gentleman from Quebec - who has made a practice lately of looking carefully at all the printed signs and official literature to see that it conforms...
on December 08, 2020
The Automatic White Imbalance

The Automatic White Imbalance

My colleagues at Camera Electronic called my attention to an LED ring light the other day that is fitted with a mount for your mobile phone and an adjustable slider to change the white balance of...
on September 20, 2020
The Colour Temperature Scam

The Colour Temperature Scam

How many times have you been told to get the colour temperature right in your digital images? A million, right? From the advertiser who says that the label on their juice box is not orange enough...
on April 26, 2020

You Say AWB And I Say KWB

And we are not going to start on potahtoes and tomahtoes, no matter what George and Ira Gershwin would have us do. But we must learn to disagree politely with what the makers of our flash...
on October 22, 2018
A Short Week - Part Three - A Day Out At The Museum

A Short Week - Part Three - A Day Out At The Museum

When you were a kid, did you look forward to school outings? Or family holidays when you could go see things you'd never seen before? Did those outings include the occasional museum? Well if they did,...
on September 04, 2018


At Camera Electronic we love photography – and we love writing about it. There is always new equipment coming into the shop and the industry leaders are always finding new ways that it can be used. Now you can freshen up your weekday with our weblog column and get some of that fun yourself.

