
Climb Up The Ladder to Success...

Climb Up The Ladder to Success...

Or dig a hole and lower the ladder to ground level. Either way you eventually arrive at the top rung. Suppose you have a photo idea. A good idea, A great idea. A stonkingly frabdibulous idea...
on June 07, 2022
Growing Photographic Avocados

Growing Photographic Avocados

Note I didn't say " photogenic " avocados. The average Hass avocado is anything but beautiful. The tree is nice to look at, if a trifle straggly sometimes, but the fruit looks like a dark green...
on October 07, 2021
For Heaven's Sake - Speak Photography!

For Heaven's Sake - Speak Photography!

So many languages to listen to today. So many internal translations going on. So many puzzling communications... If you are not the IT person in your office - or the IT person in your home -...
on March 07, 2021
Guide To Happiness

Guide To Happiness

If you wanted a quick guide to happiness you should have come along to Camera Electronic last Friday evening. Alex Cearns OAM of Houndstooth Studios gave a short talk on her animal photography, a short encomium...
on December 13, 2020
Uncle Dick's Shut-In Corner - Part Three - The Very Old Software Manual

Uncle Dick's Shut-In Corner - Part Three - The Very Old Software Manual

If you do not have a discarded software manual somewhere in your workroom - shelf, box, or holding up a short table leg - are you even a photographer? In the film era we had manuals...
on April 02, 2020
Pages On Paper - Why You Should Retro It Occasionally

Pages On Paper - Why You Should Retro It Occasionally

Most of you will be reading this on an electronic screen, as opposed to a paper page. The phosphor dots will flash by and be gone as soon as you close the page...though I hope that...
on March 14, 2018


At Camera Electronic we love photography – and we love writing about it. There is always new equipment coming into the shop and the industry leaders are always finding new ways that it can be used. Now you can freshen up your weekday with our weblog column and get some of that fun yourself.

