
50 Years In Business

50 Years In Business

Today they're having celebrations at the Stirling Street and Murray Street stores for the 50th anniversary of the company. I'm heading down to see what's going on. The advert that popped into my email feed promised...
on June 10, 2021
New For 2017...Test Drive it Now...

New For 2017...Test Drive it Now...

If you were able to buy a 2017 motor car from a dealer right now - a car that had been introduced that year but was sitting - unused- on the dealer's floor today - would...
on June 01, 2021
Three Real Deals

Three Real Deals

What is a real deal? a. An actual thing that is right there in front of you - as opposed to a promised product that has just popped up as a Kickstarter with the possible idea...
on September 06, 2020
Cheap Is As Cheap Does

Cheap Is As Cheap Does

We're lucky here in Australia - we can use the word " cheap " to mean " inexpensive " or " frugal ". Charley Carters, the grocery chain, knew that and we could go to a...
on May 03, 2018


At Camera Electronic we love photography – and we love writing about it. There is always new equipment coming into the shop and the industry leaders are always finding new ways that it can be used. Now you can freshen up your weekday with our weblog column and get some of that fun yourself.

