
Growing Photographic Avocados

Growing Photographic Avocados

Note I didn't say " photogenic " avocados. The average Hass avocado is anything but beautiful. The tree is nice to look at, if a trifle straggly sometimes, but the fruit looks like a dark green...
on October 07, 2021
Choosing A Lens - The Primal Scream

Choosing A Lens - The Primal Scream

It's probably been a long time since you bought your first camera. But I'll bet you remember it fondly...and you may have it still...somewhere in a box at the back of the linen closet. If you...
on September 30, 2021

" Which Is The Best Camera? "

I am going to resist giving the glib answer - " The one you have with you." - as it never really seems to satisfy the customer who wants to spend money. It might well be...
on December 27, 2020

Some Ernest Advice

Ernest advice? Did that slip through the Spell Checker? No, it really is Ernest advice, because it comes from the most experienced technician in the Camera Electronic Repairs Department; Ernest Cesar. Asked about why Perth’s photographers...
on December 20, 2018


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