100 Years On Without Getting Creaky - WACC and NIKON

on May 29, 2017
This year is the 100th year anniversary of one of the photographic clubs here in Perth - The Western Australian Camera Club has just cause for celebration. And coincidentally, a photographic firm called...Nikon...also celebrates 100 year in the optic business as well. As you can imagine, this will lead to quite some festivity. It's not confined to just the one club, either...the whole WAPF family can take joy in the theme chosen for the events: 100 years of Popular Photography in Western Australia. The annual WAPF Event will be held on the 25th and 26th of June and sponsored by the other centennial - Nikon - the venue will be the ballroom of Government House in St. Georges Terrace. There is a full program of events headed by Nikon's ambassador Rocco Ancorea and six Western Australian enthusiasts and experts. There is a wide variety of topics to be covered and something new to learn or think about for every delegate. No-one goes home unhappy. No-one goes home without having seen some of the best WA photos, either, The WAPF Print West competition exhibition will be shown as well as the WAPF UnderWAter exhibition in the Government House Supper Room. How to get involved? Contact the organisers by using the WAPF page. Go to: wapf.org.au and pop into the menu item dealing with this event. You'll be able to access a full program for the weekend. It looks as though it will be the highlight of the year for club photography in WA. Note: it's not just Perth photographers who will enjoy this - delegates from all over the state will be there. Fortunately Perth has quite a few hotel rooms these days to accommodate visitors...if they remember to book in time. Click here to visit the Western Australian Camera Club website and find out more.